Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Google Résumé

Whether you are an undergraduate, a fresh graduate, or unemployed, you have the same goal , "getting a job". But the key for getting hired is providing a somehow special CV or résumé
Upon creating a new résumé, a bunch of questions will rise: 
-How many pages should my résumé be?
-What topics should i include (Education, Work Experience..)?
-How should these topics be sorted.
-Are there some standards to be used?
-What will make my résumé so special that it would be picked out of lots of other résumés?

For a first timer, answering these questions is really hard. But what about getting some help from an expert?

"The Google résumé is the only book available on how to win a coveted spot at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or other top tech firms." 

If you are not majoring in a computer-related domain you have the right to think that this book is useless...

But, after reading it, I realized that it is helpful for any person from any field too. Whether you are in the business, engineering, sciences, or any other domain, YOU are targeted too.

This book answers all your questions, and upon reading the first 5 chapters of it, YOU will be able to write a powerful résumé that will leap off the page saying: "ME! I'm the one you want to hire!".

Why this book? 
Because Gayle Laakmann McDowell is the author.

Author Gayle McDowell
"Gayle worked in Google Engineering for three years, where she served on the hiring committee and interviewed over 120 candidates. She interned for Microsoft and Apple, and interviewed with and received offers from ten tech firms. If you’re a student, you’ll learn what to study and how to prepare while in school, as well as what career paths to consider. If you’re a job seeker, you’ll get an edge on your competition by learning about hiring procedures and making yourself stand out from other candidates."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to pronounce SKYPE,LINUX,ADOBE, & GIGA!

Just because a lot of people do something, doesn't mean that they're doing the right thing. A Golden rule, that applies to all aspects of life.
When I was at school, I used to hear my teachers pronouncing some words in a weird way. For example: Where, what, and when were pronounced as hwer, hwat, and hwen with an 'H' at the beginning. In my case, this was obvious, but in different cases words pronunciation may be a little tricky.

How do you pronounce SKYPE, LINUX , ADOBE, & GIGA?

Is it Skype (as in 'pipe') or (Sky-pee)?
Well, it is  Skype as in 'pipe'. I don't know why do people use the 'pee' way.
To make sure that this is the correct way of pronunciation, sign in to your Skype account, and make a call to the testing center (a free call). The lady there will say: Welcome to Skype! ;)

Adobe or Adobeee?

It is called 'Adobee', and you can refer to youtube videos about Adobe's products.

At first, I thought that it was called 'Lenix', but last summer i met an instructor that teaches 'Lie-nex' related topics. He pronounced it that way, so i thought that i was mistaken.
Later on i watched a youtube video of Linus Torvalds  the founder of LINUX pronouncing it the right way:

Let's move to 'Giga' & 'Jiga'.
This was tough. I read a lot of articles about it, but i couldn't reach a 100% correct answer.
Check the links below for discussions:

I read in an article that it is pronounced with a Hard G when used in biological and chemical fields, and with a Soft G (like in 'giant') when used in physics and electronics.

To me, pronunciation is important. If I hear anyone saying anything in a wrong way ,I would correct him.
To some other people, pronunciation is not important as long as they understand what you are saying.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Most laptops users ask this question frequently:
What is better for my laptop , a Sleep or a Hibernate?
Well, the answer is simple : If you want to leave your laptop for a short time (1 minute --> couple of hours) use "SLEEP". On the other hand, use "HIBERNATE" when you're coming back the next day or so.

SLEEP: Turns off all unused devices (wireless, CD/DVD ROM..) and saves energy. Your laptop in this case is ON but with low energy usage.

HIBERNATE:  First you have to know that the RAM in your laptop holds programs that are currently running. When you hibernate your laptop, all data stored on RAM are copied to a system file and stored there. Your laptop is then completely turned off, and when you turn it on a copy of this system file is sent to your RAM so that you won't notice a change.

-Sleep your laptop when you want to use it in a little while.

-Hibernate your laptop when you want to save all your work but use your laptop later on (next day).

-Turn off your laptop when you no longer need to use it and have nothing to save. 

* Laptops are set by default to hibernate when they are in sleep mode with a low battery percentage.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Take Care of Your LAPTOP'S BATTERY!!

Most people never read the "users manual" that comes in the package with their new electronic device. This leads to misusing the device and results in many problems.
One of the most issues resulting in misusing your device, is the way you deal with the battery.

This article is dedicated for laptops batteries.
To make things easier, your laptop's battery is one of three:
1-Lead Acid Battery.
2-Nickel based Battery (NiCd and NiMH).
3-Lithium-ion Battery (Li-ion, polymer).
Lithium Battery
Check your battery type by reading the description written on the battery itself, or by referring to your users manual. Oh! You lost your user manual, then just go online and check your device's specifications.

Batteries life varies according to their type, but for the 3 mentioned types a battery will last between 3 & 5 years if treated carefully.

A cycle is defined by draining a fully charge battery(100%->0%) then charging it again.
Each battery has a certain number of cycles. (The number of cycles is also written on your battery).
-Lead Acid:500-800 cycles.
-Nickel Based: 500-1000 cycles.
-Lithium-ion: 500-1000 cycles.

A battery has a life and limited number of cycles, but these two factors are not the only reasons that affect the battery's functionality.

Two main reasons are:
a-Charging and discharging your battery:
You have certainly heard a lot of OPINIONS concerning when to recharge your battery.
Some say that you have to completely drain it first, others say that draining your battery harms it.
Well, here is the scientific answer: IT DEPENDS ON THE BATTERY TYPE.
Don't keep your battery under too high or too low temperature. This will harm your battery too.
Cold temperature increases internal resistance and diminishes the capacity, while high temperature will speed up the discharging process.

Refer to the table below to get more details about each battery type.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

FINALLY ,My First APP is now available on the AppStore!!

I'm a new iPhone/iPad developer. I've been studying for that for about three months, and i've finally achieved my goal which is seeing my name on the appStore.

During these three months of hard working, i learned objective-C which is the language used for programming, and i learned everything related to iPhone/iPad development.
Last week, i had a 3 hrs break at uni. So i created a simple application and i called it "The Love Meter HD".
We all know the classic love meter that displays on some TV channels. Well, this is a similar one.
All you have to do is to enter your name and your lover's name, and click on the "calculate" button.
The result will be displayed in percentage.

It's really simple, and i thought of making it look better. So i worked a little bit on the design of the layout. And then i decided to upload it and see if it will be approved.
After 5 days, a received a msg from Apple Inc. and my app became available on the app store.
Yesterday i got my daily sales report, and i found out that THREE copies of my app were sold :D:D

This is just the beginning and i'll be creating more and more applications in the future.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Uninstall your ANTIVIRUS program!!

As soon as you buy a computer or a laptop, the first thing u think of is to get an antivirus that KILLS and removes every single virus that will threaten your pc's life.
But let me tell you something. I've been using my windows7 for like a year, and hadn't been using any kind of antiVirus programs. My laptop is still as good as new, and not a single virus attacked it.

"POP, virus found"
Didn't you realize that the moment you install your antivirus program you start getting viruses , too many viruses that your STRONG antivirus is handling each and every second. Well, let's be honest. Who is responsible for those viruses? It's either a computer geek , most probably a 'hacker', who achieves success when he is able to create a virus and OOps it's spread all over the world. Or it is those antivirus companies that work day and night to ensure that there are still viruses all of the internet, so they can sell as much softwares as they can.

But let me enlighten you a little bit. You install an antivirus, it "scans" your computer for viruses and find tens of viruses that were in your pc for all of this time! But the funny part is that most of the time these tens of viruses didn't affect your pc in any way.

Antivirus programs are a heavy weight, they make your pc tooooo slow that you can't use it for it's basic functions.
Oh , but even antivirus programs can't remove all different kind of viruses!!

I advice you to go and Uninstall whatever antivirus software you've installed on your pc.
Well, if i didn't get any virus for all this long duration, then that doesn't mean that you are not going to get one.
So here's the solution:
A virus is not called a virus until it harms or affects you computer in a way.
So let's say that you are affected with a virus when you see a critical issue in your computer.
What you have to do then is googling your problem and you'll find thousands of ready, easy, and simple solutions for you problem.
